Glyfada Golf Club of Athens since 1966 - Today
On April 20, 1966, 198 people from the Athenian society signed the foundation of the historical association with the name “Glyfada Golf Club of Athens”. Most of them were golf players who, before the creation of the Glyfada course by Greek National Tourism Organization (G.N.T.O.), played at the small course of Varybobi or abroad.
On August 2 of the same year, the first Board of Directors meets with Johny Serpieris as chairman, with a representative of the G.N.T.O. in the composition of the board.
The most famous golfers-members of G.G.C.A. were for a number of years Konstantinos Karamanlis and Georgios Rallis who helped a lot in the development of the Club.
From the athletes who represented the Club and Greece in international competitions at home and abroad, in the first period were George and Stefanos Vafeiadis, George Sotiropoulos, Chrysi Stratou-Vafeiadis, George Aronis as well as George Ginis, Vassilis Anastasiou, Vassilis Karantzias and Adam Sofronis, many of whom later became professional golfers and teachers.
In the younger generation, Stavros Parthenis, Kon/nos Theodosiou, Christos Valasakis and even more recently Thanos and Panagiotis Karantzias distinguished themselves. Also, Themis and Vangelis Ginis who today constitute the new generation of professional golf players-teachers.
The most important tournaments organized or participated in by the G.G.C.A. was the World Cup (1979) in which the 2 best (mostly professional) players from each state participated, the annual International Amateur Championship of Greece and the Mediterranean Games in 1992. Recently and for 4 consecutive years, the G.G.C.A. organized the Faldo Series Greece Championship, an international tournament for children and youngsters up to 18 years of age, which provided an opportunity for the most famous living European golfer, Briton Sir Nick Faldo, to visit our country at the invitation of the Club.
The association today, with a history of 50 years, continues its sporting and social activity, maintaining the same headquarters, the same principles and the same ideals that its founders envisioned. That is, the development of golf in Greece. In all these years it has been and still is the winningest club in all men’s and women’s categories, from juniors to seniors, in the national championships and provides the national team with athletes for national and international competitions.
At the same time it develops an offer of sports and social activities. It is also the living nursery in the production of new talented golfers maintaining academy occupied by young children.